Friday, March 14, 2014

Flower Power!

One of the standards for kindergarten is using technology to publish and print writing. We have been learning about the parts of a flower. Each student wrote a paper based on a group plan of the parts of a flower. We then went to the computer lab where they typed up their papers. They did the typing (mostly hunt and peck) and I went in and added spacing. I left their phonemic spelling as it shows where they are (sight words and the flower parts were expected to be spelled correctly). My aide showed us how to make flowers out of tissue paper. It was a great project and they turned out great. Now they are hanging in my classroom. Something to show parents when they come for Data Night on the 25th!

It's hard to see in the pictures, but my students labeled their flowers. I attached their typed papers to their flowers.

Happy Birthday to Me!

This past Monday (March 10) was my birthday. My kids and aide are so sweet. One parent surprised me with a cupcake cake. My aide also surprised me with a Dairy Queen cake and a bag of goodies. We ended up having a nice surprise party at the end of the day. The kids did a great job keeping it secret, too. It was a good birthday.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!

Sunday was Dr. Seuss' birthday. My kinders are celebrating this week for Read Across America. I dressed as the Cat in the Hat yesterday and taught all the lessons as the Cat. They loved it - especially my tail! Today, we made green eggs and ham for breakfast - another hit! We've been reading Dr. Seuss and watching some of the old animation movies. I love Dr. Seuss days.